World Scouter

Robert Lynn Horne, MD                                            Home


Robert Lynn Horne first said his Scout Promise and joined the Boy Scouts of America in 1957, as a member of Pack 28 in Shreveport, Louisiana.  His mother, Alma Horne, was his first and only Den Mother.  In 1960 he and his father, Bob Horne, joined Troop 18 in time to go on their first Father and Son camping trip to Lake Narrows.  His proudest moments were when his parents pinned his Eagle medal on his uniform in August,1962 and when he placed the Vigil Honor Sash upon his father in April,1967. 

His love of Scouting around the world began with the Citizenship in the World merit badge.  His attendance at the 1967 World Jamboree was a life changing event which caused him to dedicate his life to Scouting.  In addition to Regional Conferences and World Conferences, he has now attended seven World Jamborees.  In 1996 he founded the Las Vegas International Scouting Museum and has shepherded its growth while serving as its first president and current Executive Director.